Search Results

3086 results for ncopies: 6 - page 82 of 155
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Kalliope. Jacksonville Women's Poetry Collective, Center for the Continuing Education of Women, Florida Junior College at Jacksonville 0735-7885
Kantian review. University of Wales Press 1369-4154
Kayak. s.n. 0022-9555
Kentavr. Izd-vo "Pressa" 1027-5517
Kerygma und Dogma. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 0023-0707
Klinische Wochenschrift. Springer-Verlag 0023-2173
Kniga / Izd-vo Kniga 0134-837X
Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie. Westdeutscher Verlag 0023-2653
Kommunist. Izd-vo "Pravda" 0131-1212
Korea focus on current topics. Korea Foundation 1225-8113
Korea observer. Academy of Korean Studies 0023-3919
Kōzan chishitsu. Nihon Kozan Chishitsu Gakkai 0026-5209
Kunstchronik. H. Carl 0023-5474
Kybernetes. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers 0368-492X
L'Action nationale. Ligue d'action nationale 0001-7469
L'Espace géographique Doin 0046-2497
L'Infini. Editions Denoël 0754-023X
La Bibliofilia. L. S. Olschki 0006-0941
La Coronica. Division of Spanish Medieval Language and Literature, Modern Language Association [etc.] 0193-3892
La Houille blanche. Association pour la diffusion de la documentation hydraulique 0018-6368
3086 results for ncopies: 6 - page 82 of 155