Search Results

2119 results for ncopies: 7 - page 53 of 106
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Journal of inorganic chemistry. Israel Program for Scientific Translations ; 0368-2471
Journal of Jewish art. Center for Jewish Art of The Hebrew University 0160-208X
Journal of labelled compounds. Wiley [etc.] 0022-2135
Journal of librarianship and information science. Bowker-Saur Ltd 0961-0006
Journal of macromolecular science. Marcel Dekker 1532-1797
Journal of managerial issues : JMI. Gladys A. Kelce School of Business and Economics, Pittsburg State University 1045-3695
Journal of materials science letters. Chapman and Hall 0261-8028
Journal of materials. American Society for Testing and Materials 0022-2453
Journal of mathematical sciences. Plenum Pub. Corp. : Consultants Bureau 1072-3374
Journal of mathematics of Kyoto University. 0023-608X
Journal of medical systems Springer Science+Business Media 0148-5598
Journal of medical virology. Alan R. Liss 0146-6615
Journal of metamorphic geology. Blackwell Scientific Publications 0263-4929
Journal of microbiological methods. Elsevier Biomedical 0167-7012
Journal of modern European history = Zeitschrift für moderne europäische Geschichte = Revue d'histoire européenne contemporaine C.H. Beck 1611-8944
Journal of modern Jewish studies Carfax Pub. 1472-5886
Journal of modern optics. Taylor & Francis 0950-0340
Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology. Academic Press 0022-2828
Journal of molecular evolution. Springer International 0022-2844
Journal of Mormon history. Mormon History Association 0094-7342
2119 results for ncopies: 7 - page 53 of 106