Search Results

1527 results for ncopies: 8 - page 41 of 77
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society = Chinese Chemical Society 0009-4536
Journal of the Geological Society of India. Geological Society of India 0016-7622
Journal of the Historical Society of Nigeria. The Society 0018-2540
Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society. Illinois State Historical Society 0019-2287
Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society. The Society 0099-4480
Journal of the International Association for Mathematical Geology. Plenum Pub. Corp 0020-5958
Journal of the Optical Society of America. The Society 1084-7529
Journal of the Optical Society of America. The Society 0740-3224
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. Physical Society of Japan 0031-9015
Journal of the proceedings of the Linnean Society. The Society 1945-9475
Journal of the Royal African Society. MacMillan 0368-4016
Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. Royal Microscopical Society 0368-3974
Journal of the Royal Musical Association. Oxford University Press 0269-0403
Journal of the Sanitary Engineering Division. American Society of Civil Engineers 0044-7986
Journal of the University Film Association. University Film Association 0041-9311
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes. Warburg Institute, University of London 0075-4390
Journal of the Waterways and Harbors Division : proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers. The Society 0569-8103
Journal of the West. Journal of the West, inc 0022-5169
Journal of thought. Journal of Thought Fund [etc.] 0022-5231
Journal of time series analysis / a journal sponsored by the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability. Tieto, Ltd. 0143-9782
1527 results for ncopies: 8 - page 41 of 77