Search Results

1527 results for ncopies: 8 - page 48 of 77
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
New England review. Kenyon Hill Publications 0164-3177
New generation computing. Ohmsha ; Springer-Verlag [distributor 0288-3635
New labor forum Queens College Labor Resource Center 1095-7960
New political science. Caucus for a New Political Science 0739-3148
New York history : quarterly journal of the New York State Historical Association. The Association 0146-437X
Nihon Kagakkai shi. Dō Kai 0369-4208
Nihon kagaku zasshi. Nihon Kagakkai 0369-5387
Nitric oxide : biology and chemistry / official journal of the Nitric Oxide Society. Academic Press 1089-8603
Nka : journal of contemporary African art. NKA Publications 1075-7163
Nordisk matematisk tidskrift. [s.n.] 0029-1412
North Central journal of agricultural economics. Dept. of Agricultural Economics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 0191-9016
Northwestern naturalist : a journal of vertebrate biology. Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology 1051-1733
Notes and queries. Oxford University Press [etc.] 0029-3970
Notre Dame English journal. Notre Dame English Association 0029-4500
Nouveau journal de chimie. Centre national de la recherche scientifique 0398-9836
Novum Testamentum. E.J. Brill 0048-1009
Nuclear data tables. Academic Press 0090-5518
NUCLEAR PHYSICS. North-Holland Pub. Co. 0029-5582
Numerical heat transfer. Hemisphere Pub. Corp 1040-7782
Numerical heat transfer. Hemisphere Pub. Corp 1040-7790
1527 results for ncopies: 8 - page 48 of 77