Search Results

1527 results for ncopies: 8 - page 60 of 77
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Separation and purification methods. M. Dekker 0360-2540
Separation science. M. Dekker 0037-2366
Shaw. Pennsylvania State University Press 0741-5842
SIAM journal on control. SIAM Publications 0036-1402
SIAM journal on matrix analysis and applications : a publication of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics / SIAM. The Society 0895-4798
SIDA, contributions to botany. W.F. Mahler, etc 0036-1488
SIGCHI bulletin : [a quarterly publication of the Special Interest Group on Computer & Human Interaction]. The Group 0736-6906
Sign language studies. Gallaudet University Press [etc.] 0302-1475
Significance. Blackwell 1740-9705
SIGOA newsletter / Special Interest Group on Office Automation. Association for Computing Machinery 0737-819X
Slavery & abolition. F. Cass 0144-039X
Small ruminant research : the journal of the International Goat Association. Elsevier 0921-4488
Social and economic studies. Institute of Social and Economic Research 0037-7651
Social epistemology. Taylor & Francis 0269-1728
Social justice. Social Justice 1043-1578
Social research. Graduate Faculty of Political and Social Science, New School for Social Research 0037-783X
Social science & medicine. Pergamon Press 0160-7979
Social science & medicine. Pergamon 0277-9536
Social science & medicine. Pergamon 0271-5384
Social science Japan journal. Oxford University Press, in association with the Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo 1369-1465
1527 results for ncopies: 8 - page 60 of 77