Search Results

1147 results for ncopies: 9 - page 40 of 58
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Oxidation of metals. Plenum Press 0030-770X
Pacific journal of mathematics. Pacific journal of mathematics, etc 0030-8730
Pacific philosophy forum. University of the Pacific Philosophy Institute 0275-1194
PAJ : a journal of performance and art. Johns Hopkins University Press 1520-281X
Palaeontology. Palaeontological Association 0031-0239
Papers of the British School at Rome. R. Clay and Sons 0068-2462
Papers on non-market decision making Thomas Jefferson Center for Political Economy, University of Virginia 1941-9716
Parasitology research. Springer International 0932-0113
Parasitology. Cambridge University Press 0031-1820
Parks & recreation. National Recreation and Park Association 0031-2215
Perceptual and motor skills. Perceptual and motor skills [etc.] 0031-5125
Personality and individual differences. Pergamon 0191-8869
Perspecta. Schools of Architecture & Design, Yale University 0079-0958
Perspectives on psychological science : a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. Association for Psychological Science 1745-6916
Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health. Alan Guttmacher Institute 1538-6341
Pesticide biochemistry and physiology. Academic Press 0048-3575
Pharmacology, biochemistry and behavior. Pergamon Journals [etc.] 0091-3057
Philosophia mathematica. Adams Press 0031-8019
Philosophical magazine letters. Taylor and Francis 0950-0839
Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Royal Society 0962-8436
1147 results for ncopies: 9 - page 40 of 58