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2616 results for program: Center for Research Libraries JSTOR Project - page 111 of 131
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The Historical journal. Cambridge University Press 0018-246X
The Historical Society of Southern California quarterly. Historical Society of Southern California 2162-9366
The History teacher. Society for History Education, etc 0018-2745
The Hudson review. Hudson Review, inc 0018-702X
The Huntington Library bulletin Harvard University Press 1935-0708
The Huntington library quarterly. Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery 0018-7895
The illustrated magazine of art Alexander Montgomery 2150-5837
The Indian journal of political science. Indian Political Science Association 0019-5510
The Indiana quarterly magazine of history. G.S. Cottman 0147-2259
The International and comparative law quarterly. British Institute of International and Comparative Law [etc.] 0020-5893
The International history review. University of Toronto 0707-5332
The International journal of African historical studies. Africana Pub. Co. 0361-7882
The international law quarterly. Stevens 1479-5930
The International migration digest. Center for Migration Studies 0538-8716
The International migration review : Center for Migration Studies 0197-9183
The Iowa review. School of Letters and the Graduate College of the University of Iowa 0021-065X
The J. Paul Getty Museum journal. J. Paul Getty Museum 0362-1979
The Jewish quarterly review. Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning 0021-6682
The journal of aesthetic education. University of Illinois Press 0021-8510
The Journal of aesthetics and art criticism. American Society for Aesthetics 0021-8529
2616 results for program: Center for Research Libraries JSTOR Project - page 111 of 131