Title |
Publisher |
Program (Institution) |
IEEE transactions on parts, hybrids, and packaging. |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
0361-1000 |
IEEE transactions on parts, materials, and packaging. |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
0018-9502 |
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence. |
IEEE Computer Society |
0162-8828 |
IEEE transactions on plasma science. |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
0093-3813 |
IEEE transactions on power apparatus and systems / Technical Operations Committee. |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
0018-9510 |
IEEE transactions on power delivery : a publication of the Power Engineering Society. |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
0885-8977 |
IEEE transactions on power electronics. |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
0885-8993 |
IEEE transactions on power systems : a publication of the Power Engineering Society. |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
0885-8950 |
IEEE transactions on product engineering and production / Professional Technical Group on Product Engineering and Production. |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
0097-4544 |
IEEE transactions on professional communication. |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
0361-1434 |
IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences |
IEEE, Inc. |
2469-7311 |
IEEE transactions on radio frequency interference. |
Professional Technical Group on Radio Frequency Interference |
2168-1848 |
IEEE transactions on rehabilitation engineering. |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. |
1063-6528 |
IEEE transactions on reliability / Professional Technical Group on Reliability. |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
0018-9529 |
IEEE transactions on robotics : a publication of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society. |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
1552-3098 |
IEEE transactions on robotics and automation : a publication of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society. |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
1042-296X |
IEEE transactions on semiconductor manufacturing : a publication of the IEEE Components, Hybrids, and Manufacturing Technology Society, the IEEE Electron Devices Society, the IEEE Reliability Society, the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Council. |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
0894-6507 |
IEEE transactions on signal processing : a publication of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
1053-587X |
IEEE transactions on smart grid |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
1949-3053 |
IEEE transactions on software engineering. |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
0098-5589 |