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19711 results for program: Portico - page 582 of 986
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Jōhō chishitsu = Geological data processing Jōhō chishitsu kenkyūkai 0388-502X
Jōhō media kenkyū = Journal of information and media studies Jōhō media Gakkai 1348-5857
Jōhō no kagaku to gijutsu. Jōhō Kagaku Gijutsu Kyōkai 0913-3801
JSAE review / Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc The Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc. 0389-4304
JSES international Elsevier, Inc 2666-6383
JSIAM letters Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 1883-0609
JSMD Review J-STAGE 2432-7174
JSME international journal : bulletin of the JSME. Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 0913-185X
JSME international journal. Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 0914-8825
JSME international journal. Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 1344-7912
JSME international journal. Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 1344-7653
JSME international journal. Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 1340-8062
JSME international journal. Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 1340-8054
JSME international journal. Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 0914-8809
JSME international journal. Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 0914-8817
JSTnews J-STAGE 1349-6085
Judaisme ancien Brepols Publishers 2294-9321
Judicial review : JR : mapping the developing law and practice of judicial review. Wiley 1085-4681
JuKiP Georg Thieme Verlag KG 1439-2569
Juncture John Wiley and Sons 2050-5868
19711 results for program: Portico - page 582 of 986