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19711 results for program: Portico - page 829 of 986
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Shokuseikatsu sogo kenkyukaishi Shokuseikatsu sogo kenkyukai 0917-303X
Shoni riumachi Nihon Shoni Riumachi Gakkai 2435-1105
Shōwa bungaku kenkyū / [henshūnin "Shōwa Bungaku Kenkyū" Henshū Iinkai]. Shōwa Bungaku Kenkyūkai : hakkōjo Kasama Shoin 0388-3884
Shōwa Shigakkai zasshi Shōwa Daigaku, Shōwa Shigakkai 0285-922X
Shōhisha kyōiku Koseikan 1345-1855
Shōkaki naishikyō no shinpo Kyōwa Kikaku Tsūshin 0389-9403
Shōkaki shūdan kenshin Nihon Shōkaki Shūdan Kenshin Gakkai 0287-6132
Shōni no nōshinkei Nyuronsha 0387-8023
Shōyakugaku zasshi = The Japanese journal of pharmacognosy. Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy 1349-9114
Shui li ke xue yu ji shu = (水利科学与技术 = Hydraulic science & technology) Synergy Publishing Pte. Ltd 2661-4790
Shukugawa Gakuin College bulletin of college educational research J-STAGE 1883-5996
Shukugawa Gakuin Tanki Daigaku kenkyū kiyō Shukugawa Gakuin Tanki Daigaku 0285-3744
Shūkyō kenkyū. Shūkyō Kenkyūkai 0387-3293
Shūkyō to shakai = Religion & society. "Shūkyō to Shakai" Gakkai 1342-4726
Shuppan kenkyū / Nihon Shuppan Gakkai henshū. Kōdansha 0385-3659
Shūgaku kenkyū kiyō Sōtōshū Sōgō Kenkyū Sentā. Shūgaku Kenkyū Bumon 1345-7527
SIAM journal on algebraic and discrete methods. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 0196-5212
SIAM journal on applied mathematics. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 0036-1399
SIAM journal on computing. 0097-5397
SIAM journal on control and optimization. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 0363-0129
19711 results for program: Portico - page 829 of 986