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19711 results for program: Portico - page 974 of 986
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
WSEAS transactions on business and economics. WSEAS 1109-9526
WSEAS transactions on circuits and systems. WSEAS 1109-2734
WSEAS transactions on communications WSEAS 1109-2742
WSEAS Transactions on Computer Research WSEAS 1991-8755
WSEAS transactions on computers. WSEAS 1109-2750
WSEAS Transactions on Electronics WSEAS 1109-9445
WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development WSEAS 1790-5079
WSEAS Transactions on Fluid Mechanics WSEAS 1790-5087
WSEAS Transactions on Heat and Mass Transfer WSEAS 1790-5044
WSEAS transactions on information science and applications. WSEAS 1790-0832
WSEAS transactions on mathematics. WSEAS Press 1109-2769
WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems WSEAS 1790-5060
WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing WSEAS 1790-5052
WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control WSEAS 1991-8763
WSEAS transactions on systems. WSEAS 1109-2777
Wuhan University journal of natural sciences = WUJNS Wuhan University 1007-1202
X-ray spectrometry : XRS. Heyden 0049-8246
Xenotransplantation Munksgaard, BlackwellPub Wiley-Blackwell 0908-665X
Xian dai ce hui gong cheng = (现代测绘工程 = Modern surveying & mapping engineering) Synergy Publishing Pte. Ltd 2705-0521
Xinjiang Petroleum Geology Compuscript Ltd. 1001-3873
19711 results for program: Portico - page 974 of 986