Title |
Publisher |
Program (Institution) |
The Annals of otology, rhinology & laryngology. |
Annals Pub. Co. |
0003-4894 |
The Annals of pharmacotherapy. |
Harvey Whitney Books Co. |
1060-0280 |
The annals of probability. |
Institute of Mathematical Statistics |
0091-1798 |
The Annals of regional science. |
Springer-Verlag |
0570-1864 |
The annals of statistics. |
Institute of Mathematical Statistics [etc.] |
0090-5364 |
The Annals of the Hitotsubashi Academy. |
Hitotsubashi University |
0439-2841 |
The Annals of thoracic surgery |
Little, Brown & Co., etc |
0003-4975 |
The Annual for facilitators, trainers, and consultants. |
University Associates, Inc. |
0732-037X |
The Annual guide to public policy experts. |
Heritage Foundation |
0731-339X |
The Annual handbook for group facilitators. |
University Associates Publishers |
0094-601X |
The Annual of American architecture. |
American Institute of Architects |
0275-889X |
The Annual of psychoanalysis. |
International Universities Press [etc.] |
0092-5055 |
The annual of rabbinic Judaism : ancient, medieval, and modern. |
Brill |
1388-0365 |
The annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research. |
Yale University Press |
0066-0035 |
The annual of the Society of Christian Ethics. |
The Society ; Distributed by the Council on the Study of Religion |
0732-4928 |
The Annual review of women in world religions. |
State University of New York Press |
1056-4578 |
The anthropologist : international journal of contemporary and applied studies of man. |
Kamla-Raj Enterprises |
0972-0073 |
The Anthropology of East Europe review. |
Field and International Study Program, College of Human Ecology, Cornell University [and] Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology, Central Connecticut State University |
1054-4720 |
The Antigonish review. |
St. Francis Xavier University |
0003-5661 |
The Antioch review. |
Antioch Review, inc. [etc.] |
0003-5769 |