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9978 results for program: Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) Shared Print Repository - page 469 of 499
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The Southern journal of philosophy. Dept. of Philosophy, Memphis State University 0038-4283
The Southern literary journal. Dept. of English, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 0038-4291
The Southern quarterly. University of Southern Mississippi 0038-4496
The Southern speech communication journal. Southern Speech Communication Association 0361-8269
The Southern speech journal. Southern Association of Teachers of Speech 0038-4585
The Southwestern journal of philosophy. Southwestern Journal of Philosophy, etc 0038-481X
The Southwestern naturalist. Southwestern Association of Naturalists 0038-4909
The Southwestern political and social science quarterly. Southwestern Political and Social Science Association 2374-1309
The Southwestern political science quarterly. Southwestern Political Science Association, 1920-1923 2374-1295
The Southwestern social science quarterly / Southwestern Social Science Association. The Association 0276-1742
The Spectator. F.C. Westley 0038-6952
The Speech teacher. Speech Communication Association 0038-7177
The Statistician : journal of the Institute of Statisticians. The Institute 0039-0526
The structural design of tall and special buildings John Wiley & Sons 1541-7794
The Swedish journal of economics. s.n.; Uppsala, distributors, Almqvist & Wiksell informationsindustri 0039-7318
The Tax lawyer : bulletin of the Section of Taxation, American Bar Association. The Section 0040-005X
The Teacher educator. Ball State University 0887-8730
The Texas review (Austin) [University of Texas] 2380-5382
The Thomist. Thomist Press [etc.] 0040-6325
The Thoreau Society bulletin. Thoreau Society 0040-6406
9978 results for program: Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) Shared Print Repository - page 469 of 499