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9978 results for program: Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) Shared Print Repository - page 91 of 499
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Chinese astronomy and astrophysics. Pergamon 0275-1062
Chinese journal of geochemistry = Science Press 1000-9426
Chinese journal of mathematics = Chung-kuo shu hsüeh tsa chih. Mathematical Society of the Republic of China (Taiwan) 0379-7570
Chinese journal of oceanology and limnology = Zhongguo hai yang hu zhao xue bao / edited by the Chinese Society of Oceanology and Limnology Science Press 0254-4059
Chinese journal of physics. The Physical Society of the Republic of China 0577-9073
Chinese law and government. M. E. Sharpe 0009-4609
Chinese literature, essays, articles, reviews = Coda Press 0161-9705
Chinese physics : a publication of the American Institute of Physics = Chung Kuo wu li. The Institute 0273-429X
Chinese science bulletin = Kexue tongbao. Chinese Academy of Sciences 1001-6538
Chinese science. [N. Sivin] 0361-9001
Chirality : the pharmacological, biological, and chemical consequences of molecular asymmetry Alan R. Liss 0899-0042
Chiricú. Chiricú 0277-7223
Chirurgia plastica Springer-Verlag 0340-5664
Chishitsugaku zasshi. Nippon Chishitsu Gakkai 0016-7630
Christian bioethics. Swets & Zeitlinger 1380-3603
Christianity & literature. Seattle Pacific University [etc.] 0148-3331
Christianity and crisis. Christianity and Crisis 0009-5745
Chromatographia. Friedrich Vieweg & Sohn; Pergamon Press 0009-5893
Chromatographic reviews. Elsevier 0009-5907
Chromosoma. Springer-Verlag 0009-5915
9978 results for program: Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) Shared Print Repository - page 91 of 499