Search Results

11977 results for program: Washington Research Library Consortium (WRLC) Shared Collection - page 169 of 599
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Economic theory. Springer-Verlag 0938-2259
Economic yearbook of Tunisia. Azzedine Ben Achour 0070-8747
Economica. T. Fisher Unwin 0013-0427
Económica. 0013-0419
Economics Economics and Commercial Teachers' Association of N.S.W 1328-7966
Economics & politics. Blackwell 0954-1985
Economics and business. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers 0884-8335
Economics and philosophy. Cambridge University Press 0266-2671
Economics letters. North Holland 0165-1765
Economics library selections. Dept. of Economics, University of Pittsburgh 0424-3064
Economics of education review. Ballinger Pub. Co. 0272-7757
Economics of the petroleum industry; new ideas, new methods, new developments. Gulf Pub. Co. 0887-6088
Economics selections. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers 0140-7635
Économie & statistique; revue mensuelle. [s.n.] 0336-1454
Économie appliquée. Librarie Droz [etc.] 0013-0494
Economie et humanisme. Economie & humanisme 0245-9132
Economisch en sociaal tijdschrift. 0013-0575
Economía : journal of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association. Brookings Institution Press 1529-7470
Economy and history. Institute of Economic History and the Economic History Association, University of Lund 0070-8852
Economy and society. Routledge 0308-5147
11977 results for program: Washington Research Library Consortium (WRLC) Shared Collection - page 169 of 599