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49415 results for program: Center for Research Libraries Serials - page 13 of 2471
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Abstract-bulletin of NELA Research Laboratory / National Lamp Works of General Electric Company. NELA Research Laboratory 0743-006X
Abstract-bulletin of the Physical Laboratory of the National Electric Lamp Association. Physical Laboratory of the National Electric Lamp Association 1062-0230
Abstracta Iranica. Institut français d'iranologie de Téhéran 0240-8910
Abstractar. Armour Laboratories
Abstracts and bibliography of the publications of Lehigh University faculty members. Lehigh University
Abstracts and index of articles. Lok Sabha Secretariat
Abstracts and index of reports and articles. Lok Sabha Secretariat
Abstracts of Bulgarian scientific literature. Agricultural Academy "Georgi Dimitrov", Center for Scientific, Technical and Economic Information in Agriculture and Forestry
Abstracts of Bulgarian scientific literature. National Agroindustrial Union, Center for Scientific, Technical and Economic Information. The Center 0204-9732
Abstracts of Bulgarian scientific literature. State Committee for Science and Technical Progress, Central Institute for Scientific and Technical Information. Institute 0204-577X
Abstracts of Bulgarian scientific literature: Agricultural Academy, Center for Scientific, Technical and Economic Information [etc.] 0001-3463
Abstracts of entomology. BioSciences Information Service of Biological Abstracts 0001-3579
Abstracts of Japanese medicine. Excerpta Medica Foundation
Abstracts of M. Ed. and M.A. (education) dissertations. Dept. of Education, Kurukshetra University 0304-5943
Abstracts of M. Ed. and M.A. (education) dissertations. Dept. of Education, Kurukshetra University
Abstracts of M.Ed. dissertations. Dept. of Education, Kurukshetra University 0567-5464
Abstracts of papers - American Chemical Society. American Chemical Society 0065-7727
Abstracts of papers of the Journal of Japanese Society of Internal Medicine. Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
Abstracts of Ph. D. theses submitted at Indian Institute of Technology, Madras upto the convocation held in ... Central Library
Abstracts of reports. Lok Sabha Secretariat
49415 results for program: Center for Research Libraries Serials - page 13 of 2471