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49415 results for program: Center for Research Libraries Serials - page 313 of 2471
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Basic statistics of District Hissar. Economic and Statistical Organisation, Planning Dept 0304-9043
Basic statistics of District Kurukshetra.
Basic statistics of District Rohtak. Economic and Statistical Organisation, Planning Dept 0304-9051
Basic statistics of District Sonepat.
Basic statistics of Haryana.
Basic statistics of Madhya Pradesh.
Basic statistics of New District Mahendragarth. Economic and Statistical Organisation, Planning Dept 0304-906X
Basic statistics on plan schemes. Economic and Statistical Organisation, Planning Dept., Government of Haryana
Basic statistics relating to Assam's economy.
Basic statistics relating to the Indian economy.
Basic statistics, Distt. Karnal / The Dept
Basiret. Tatyos Matbaası
Basis. Yayasan B.P. Basis 0005-6138
Basler juristische Mitteilungen : Buchdruckerei National-Zeitung AG 0522-456X
Basler Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Altertumskunde / herausgegeben von der Historischen und Antiquarischen Gesellechaft zu Basel. R. Reich 0067-4540
Basteria. Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging 0005-6219
Basundharā. Sarasvati Cetanā Sebā Gabeshana Parishada
Baṣīr. Ẓafar Ḥamīd
Baṣīrat. Basīrat Inṭarnaishnal Pablīkeshanz
Başāʼir. Dāʼirah-yi Muʻīnulmaʼāruf 0522-4381
49415 results for program: Center for Research Libraries Serials - page 313 of 2471