Search Results

49415 results for program: Center for Research Libraries Serials - page 4 of 2471
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
A descriptive catalogue of the Sanskrit manuscripts in the Government oriental manuscripts library, Madras. Government Press
A Digest of the election law reports. Published under the authority of the Election Commission of India by the Controller of Publications, Civil Lines
A directory of organizations in the field of public administration. Public Administration Clearing House
A Directory of sanatoria, hospitals and preventoria for the treatment of tuberculosis in the United States / The Association
A Directory of sanatoria, hospitals, day camps and preventoria for the treatment of tuberculosis in the United States / National Tuberculosis Association
A Doença hanseníase. Secretaria de Estado da Saúde, Instituto de Saúde, Divisão de Hansenologia e Dermatologia Sanitária 0100-9850
A Fémipari Kutató Intézet közleményei. 0521-3886
A financial profile of Québec. Gouvernement du Québec, Ministère des finances 1185-6637
A Folha medica J.P. Fontenelle 0015-5454
A general survey of education in Japan. Dept. of Education
A Granja : Editôra Centaurus
A Guide to activities in the community centres. The Association
A Guide to current literature in environmental health engineering & science. National Environmental Engineering Research Institute
A handbook of environment statistics, Nepal. His Majesty's Govt., National Planning Commission Secretariat, Central Bureau of Statistics
A handbook of manpower statistics of Punjab. Economic Adviser to Government 0376-964X
A Handbook of summer camps : Porter Sargent
A Handbook on municipal administration. Government of West Bengal, Institute of Local Government and Urban Studies, Local Government and Urban Development Dept
A journal of education & research / The Institute
A journal of social sciences : Muzaffarpur Study Forum
A Juhász Gyula Tanárképző Főiskola tudományos közleményei = A Főiskola 0209-4304
49415 results for program: Center for Research Libraries Serials - page 4 of 2471