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49415 results for program: Center for Research Libraries Serials - page 42 of 2471
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Afghanistan series / R. Sareen
Afghān millat. Afghān Millat
Afinidad : órgano de la Asociación de Química del Instituto Químico de Sarriá (Barcelona). La Asociación 0001-9704
Afiyet. Tan Matbaası
Afkar. Center for Information and Development Studies 0854-4565
Afkār. Maktab-i-Afkar 0515-5649
AFL weekly news service. American Federation of Labor
AFL-CIO news. [American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations] 0001-1185
AFOCEL. Association Forêt-cellulose
AFOCEL. Association Forêt-cellulose (AFOCEL)
Afrasian markets buyers' guide to Indian exports products. A. Dores da Silva
Afrasian markets. [Amalgamated Press] 0001-9712
Afreshiyā. B. Malik
Afreshiyā. B. Malik
Africa : The Society
Africa : L'Istituto
Africa diary. Published by M. Chhabra for Africa Publications (India) 0001-978X
Africa in Soviet studies / "Nauka" Pub. House, Central Dept. of Oriental Literature
Africa quarterly. Indian Centre for Africa [etc.] 0001-9828
Africa review : MD Publications Pvt. Ltd. on behalf of African Studies Association of India 0974-4053
49415 results for program: Center for Research Libraries Serials - page 42 of 2471