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49415 results for program: Center for Research Libraries Serials - page 9 of 2471
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
A.M.M. Asociación Médica Mexicana
A.S.R.E. journal. American Society of Refrigerating Engineers 0097-7187
A.S.T.M. standards. American Society for Testing Materials 0195-7872
A.S.T.M. tentative standards. American Society for Testing Materials 0195-7880
A.U. law journal. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar College of Law, Andhra University
AA bulletin. The Association
AA. Israel Institute of Architects
AAEC nuclear news. Australian Atomic Energy Commission
AALCC bulletin / AALCC Secretariat
AALCO bulletin.
AALCO journal of international law. 2319-2895
AALCO quarterly bulletin. The Secretariat, Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization 0973-1660
AAM handbook. Automobile Association of Malaysia
AAMR journal : AAMR 0814-2610
AAPG bulletin. American Association of Petroleum Geologists 0149-1423
Aarsberetning vedkommende Norges fiskerier for . Departementet for det indre 0365-8252
AAUN news / The Association
AB Atomenergi. AB Atomenergi
49415 results for program: Center for Research Libraries Serials - page 9 of 2471