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4474 results for program: JSTOR (Electronic Holdings) - page 192 of 224
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The journal of blacks in higher education. CH II Publishers 1077-3711
The Journal of British studies. University of Chicago Press, etc 0021-9371
The Journal of business / the School of Business of the University of Chicago. University of Chicago Press 0021-9398
The journal of business of the University of Chicago. University of Chicago Press 0740-9168
The Journal of California anthropology. Malki Museum 0361-7181
The journal of Caribbean literatures : JCLs. M.A. Lee 1086-010X
The Journal of cell biology. Rockefeller University Press 0021-9525
The Journal of classroom interaction. School of Education, American University 0749-4025
The journal of comparative Germanic linguistics Kluwer Academic Publishers 1383-4924
The Journal of conflict resolution. Dept. of Journalism, University of Michigan 0022-0027
The Journal of consumer affairs. University of Wisconsin Press 0022-0078
The Journal of consumer research. Journal of Consumer Research, Inc., etc 0093-5301
The journal of corporate citizenship Greenleaf Publishing 1470-5001
The Journal of criminal law & criminology / Northwestern University School of Law. Williams & Wilkins 0091-4169
The Journal of criminal law, criminology and police science. Northwestern University School of Law 0022-0205
The Journal of decorative and propaganda arts. Wolfson Foundation of Decorative and Propaganda Arts 0888-7314
The Journal of developing areas. Western Illinois University 0022-037X
The Journal of East Asian affairs. Research Institute for International Affairs 1010-1608
The journal of ecology. Blackwell Scientific Publ 0022-0477
The journal of economic abstracts. American Economic Association 0364-281X
4474 results for program: JSTOR (Electronic Holdings) - page 192 of 224