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4474 results for program: JSTOR (Electronic Holdings) - page 49 of 224
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Darwiniana. Instituto de Botánica Darwinion 0011-6793
Daʻat. Universiṭat Bar-Ilan 0334-2336
DCIDOB Centre d'Informació i Documentació Internationals a Barcelona 1132-6107
Dead Sea discoveries : a journal of current research on the scrolls and related literature. Brill 0929-0761
Debate feminista. Epiqueya, A.C. 0188-9478
Defense transportation journal NDTA 0011-7625
Deleuze Studies Edinburgh University Press 1750-2241
Democracy and security Taylor and Francis 1741-9166
Demografía y economía. El Colegio de México 0185-0148
Demographische Informationen / Institut für Demographie, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften 0259-0883
Der Globusfreund : wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift für Globen- und Instrumentenkunde. Coronelli-Weltbund der Globusfreunde 0436-0664
Der Staat. Duncker & Humblot 0038-884X
Derrida Today Edinburgh University Press 1754-8500
Desarrollo económico Instituto de Desarrollo Economico y Social 0046-001X
Design issues. University of Illinois at Chicago 0747-9360
Design quarterly. Walker Art Center 0011-9415
Deutsche Rechts-Zeitschrift. J.C.B. Mohr 0340-6911
Deutsche Theologie. W. Kohlhammer 2568-1435
Development and society. The Population and Development Studies Center, Seoul National University 1598-8074
Development in practice. Oxfam UK and Ireland 0961-4524
4474 results for program: JSTOR (Electronic Holdings) - page 49 of 224