Search Results
1974 results for program: University of California Shared Print JSTOR - page 21 of 99 | 19 20 21 22 23 |
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Title | Publisher | ISSN | Program (Institution) |
Crítica. | [Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, etc.] | 0011-1503 | |
Crossroads. | Northern Illinois University, Center for Southeast Asian Studies | 0741-2037 | |
Crustaceana. | E. J. Brill | 0011-216X | |
Crustaceana. | E.J. Brill | 0167-6563 | |
Cultural anthropology : journal of the Society for Cultural Anthropology. | American Anthropological Association | 0886-7356 | |
Cultural critique. | Telos Press | 0882-4371 | |
Culture, health & sexuality | Taylor & Francis | 1369-1058 | |
Current directions in psychological science : a journal of the American Psychological Society. | Cambridge University Press | 0963-7214 | |
Current research on peace and violence. | Tampere Peace Research Institute | 0356-7893 | |
Curriculum Theory Network. | Ontario Institute for Studies in Education | 0078-4931 | |
Czech sociological review. | Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic | 1210-3861 | |
Daedalus : proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. | The Academy | 0011-5266 | |
Dance chronicle. | Marcel Dekker | 0147-2526 | |
Dance research : the journal of the Society for Dance Research. | The Society | 0264-2875 | |
Dante studies, with the annual report of the Dante Society. | Dante Society of America | 0070-2862 | |
Darwiniana. | Instituto de Botánica Darwinion | 0011-6793 | |
Dead Sea discoveries : a journal of current research on the scrolls and related literature. | Brill | 0929-0761 | |
Demografía y economía. | El Colegio de México | 0185-0148 | |
Demography. | Population Association of America | 0070-3370 | |
Desarrollo económico | Instituto de Desarrollo Economico y Social | 0046-001X |
1974 results for program: University of California Shared Print JSTOR - page 21 of 99 | 19 20 21 22 23 |