Search Results

13762 results for subjectCode: A - page 233 of 689
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Image. Karton Consultants
Imagen : quincenario de arte, literatura e informaciâon cultural. Instituto Nacional de Cultura y Bellas Artes 0536-5503
Imagen latinoamericana. Editorial Grama, Inc. 1530-3837
Imagen. [San Juan Mensual Inc.] 0890-6548
Imaginative tales.
Imperial review.
Impressions quarterly. P. Elder & M. Shepard
Imprévue : une nouvelle conception de la critique sociologique des textes / Centre d'Etudes et de Recherche Sociocritiques. Centre d'etudes et de recherches sociocritiques 0242-5149
Imprint. Business Press 0019-3046
Impulso 2000. [Pumesa, Publicaciones Meridionales S.A.]
In the field : the bulletin of the Field Museum of Natural History. The Museum 1051-4546
Inaugural lecture series / University of Benin
Inaugural lecture series / The University
Inaugural lectures series. University of Ife Press
Inaugural lectures.
Ind-ex / Herald-Sun Newspapers 0741-0328
Indeks artikel majalah Tempo. Grafitipers
Indeks artikel majalah. Pusat Dokumentasi dan Perpustakaan, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Penerangan, Departemen Penerangan R.I.
Indeks artikel surat kabar beranotasi : transmigrasi. Lembaga Ekonomi dan Kemasyarakatan Nasional, Lembaga Ilumu Pengetahuan Indonesia
13762 results for subjectCode: A - page 233 of 689