Search Results

13762 results for subjectCode: A - page 524 of 689
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The American magazine of useful and entertaining knowledge. [The Boston Bewick Co.] 2155-5001
The American magazine. Crowell-Collier Pub. Co.
The American magazine. Printed by Samuel Loudon 2155-7187
The American magazine. [B. Wood] 2155-4900
The American mercury. Knopf
The American mercury. American Mercury [etc.] 0002-998X
The American miscellany of popular tales, essays, sketches of character, poetry, and jeux d'esprit by transatlantic authors. G. Berger
The American miscellany. [G. Berger]
The American monthly Knickerbocker. [publisher not identified] 2155-8809
The American monthly magazine and critical review. Pub. for H. Biglow by Kirk & Mercein [etc.] 2155-9449
The American monthly review of reviews. Review of Reviews
The American museum, or Repository of ancient and modern fugitive pieces &c.
The American museum, or Universal magazine: Printed by Mathew Carey
The American museum, or, Annual register of fugitive pieces, ancient and modern. Mathew Carey
The American museum, or, Repository of ancient and modern fugitive pieces &c. AMS Press
The American museum, or, Universal magazine. AMS Press
The American musical magazine. Amos Doolittle
The American observer. [Civic Education Service]
The American parade. Parade Pub. Co.
The American Protestant almanac, for the year of Our Lord ... : E. Walker
13762 results for subjectCode: A - page 524 of 689