Search Results

13762 results for subjectCode: A - page 585 of 689
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The New York times book review. Arno Press
The New York times encyclopedic almanac. New York Times, Book & Educational Division 0077-9431
The New York times index. New York Times Co. 0147-538X
The New York times index. Bowker
The New York times index. "Prior series." New York Times Co.
The New York times review of books. [New York Times]
The New York times upfront. Scholastic Inc. 1553-3794
The New York times year in review. Times Books 0898-7335
The New York visitor and lady's parlor magazine. J.W. Harrison
The New Yorker. F.-R. Pub.
The New Yorker. F-R Pub. Corp 0028-792X
The New-England magazine. J.T. and E. Buckingham
The New-York literary gazette and American athenaeum. [James G. Brooks & George Bond, editors & proprietors]
The New-York literary gazette and Phi Beta Kappa repository. James G. Brooks
The New-York magazine ; or, Literary repository. s.n.
The New-York medical magazine.
The New-York mirror, and ladies' literary gazette.
The New-York mirror. George P. Morris
The New-York review and quarterly church journal. George W. Holley
The New-York review. George Dearborn & Co.
13762 results for subjectCode: A - page 585 of 689