Search Results

13762 results for subjectCode: A - page 615 of 689
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The Year-book of the scientific and learned societies of Great Britain and Ireland : a record of the work done in science, literature and art. Charles Griffin & Co. 0960-8060
The Yellow book. AMS Press :
The yellow book. E. Mathews & J. Lane ; 2044-690X
The York, Cumberland & Lincoln almanack, for the year of Christian æra / Printed and sold by Thomas B. Wait
The Young American annual; Juvenile Pub. Co.
The Young ladies' journal. [E. Harrison] 2399-0384
The Young ladies' offering; or Gems of prose and poetry, Phillips & Sampson
The Young man. S.W. Partridge] ;
The Young men's magazine. N.A. Calkins] ;
The young pilot; Young Pilot Pub. Co.
The Youth's cabinet. [D. Austin Woodworth]
The Youth's casket : [Beadle and Adams]
The Youth's companion combined with American boy. Sprague Pub. Co.
The Youth's companion. Perry Mason Co.
The Youth's instructer and guardian. Published by N. Bangs and T. Mason, for the Methodist Episcopal Church
The Youth's instructor and guardian. [publisher not identified]
The Youth's keepsake. Leavitt and Allen
The Youth's literary messenger. [Printed for the publisher by W. Stavely]
The Youth's parlor annual. / 126 Nassau-Street
The Zodiac, a monthly periodical, devoted to science, literature and the arts Erastus Perry 0270-0271
13762 results for subjectCode: A - page 615 of 689