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9850 results for subjectCode: B - page 187 of 493
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Journal of theology for Southern Africa. South African Council of Churches 0047-2867
Journal of theology of the American Lutheran Conference. American Lutheran Conference
Journal of theoretical and philosophical psychology : journal of Division 24. Division 24 of the American Psychological Association 1068-8471
Journal of unified science (Erkenntnis). W.P. van Stockum & Zoon, N.V.;
Journal of Vaiṣṇava studies. Folk Books 1062-1237
Journal of verbal learning and verbal behavior. Academic Press 0022-5371
Journal of women's ministries. [Council for Women's Ministries of the Episcopal Church] 1064-1084
Journal of youth and theology. International Association for the Study of Youth Ministry 1741-0819
Journal perspectives on Guru granth sahib. Dept. of Guru Nanak Studies, Guru Nanak Dev University
Journal. A.M.E. Book Concern
Journals in psychology. American Psychological Association 1051-5917
Journals of the annual convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Ohio. Reprinted by Scott and Bascom
Journals of the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Carlton & Porter
Jóias de Cristo.
Jōdogaku / Daitō Shuppansha
Jōdogaku. Daitō Shuppansha
Jōmō kyōkai geppō / Fuji Shuppan
Jōmō kyōkai geppō. Fuji Shuppan
Judaism. American Jewish Congress 0022-5762
9850 results for subjectCode: B - page 187 of 493