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9850 results for subjectCode: B - page 279 of 493
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Parapsychology review. Parapsychology Foundation 0031-1804
Parapsychology. 0031-1782
Paraquaria theologica. Universidad Católica "Nuestra Señora de la Asunción"
Parāmarśa. Puṇe Viśvavidyālaya
Parish year books of Grace Church in New York. [publisher not identified]
Paroisse et mission. Association Philippe-Néri
Parole de l'Orient. Université Saint-Esprit 0258-8331
Parole di vita. Editrice Elle Di Ci 0031-2398
Paropakārī. Paropakāriṇī Sabhā
Paropakārī. Paropakāriṇī Sabhā
Partners. [Division for Professional Leadership of the Lutheran Church in America]
PASCAL explore. Psychology, psychopathology, psychiatry. Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Centre de documentation scientifique et technique 0761-2176
PASCAL. Psychology, psychopathology, psychiatry. Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Institut de l'information scientifique et technique 1146-5530
Pasos. Departamento Ecuménico de Investigaciones 1659-2735
Pastor / [The Council]
Pastor bonus. Paulinusdruckerei
Pastoral care in education Basil Blackwell Pub. 0264-3944
Pastoral psychology. Human Sciences Press, etc 0031-2789
Pastoral sciences = Sciences pastorales. Institute of Pastoral Studies, Saint Paul University = Institut de pastorale, Université Saint-Paul 0713-3383
9850 results for subjectCode: B - page 279 of 493