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9850 results for subjectCode: B - page 283 of 493
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Phänomenologisch-psychologische Forschungen. W. Gruyter 0480-2470
Phänomenologische Forschungen. Phenomenological studies. Recherches phénoménologiques. K. Alber 0342-8117
Pharos : The Centre
Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences. Kluwer 1568-7759
Philippine journal of counseling psychology. Dept. of Psychology, Guidance and Counseling, Graduate School of Education, Arts and Sciences, De La Salle University and the Philippine Association for Counselor Education, Research and Supervision
Philippine journal of psychology. Psychological Association of the Philippines 0115-3153
Philippine observer. Methodist Pub. House
Philippine relief notes. Mennonite Central Committee
Philippiniana sacra. University of Santo Tomás 0115-9577
Philosopher. Philosophie au collège 0827-1887
Philosophes contemporains. E. Nauwelaerts 0079-1660
Philosophes critiques d'eux-mêmes = Philosophers on their own work = Philosophische Selbstbetrachtungen. H. Lang 0171-7413
Philosophes médiévaux. Publications Universitaires [etc.] 0079-1679
Philosophia : Ex officina Societatis "Philosophiae"
Philosophia africana : analysis of philosophy and issues in Africa and the Black diaspora. Depaul University, Dept. of Philosophy 1539-8250
Philosophia Christi : The Society
Philosophia Christi. Evangelical Philosophical Society in cooperation with Biola University 1529-1634
Philosophia naturalis. A. Hain 0031-8027
Philosophia perennis : Editions l'Age d'homme
Philosophia. Bar-Ilan University [etc.] 0048-3893
9850 results for subjectCode: B - page 283 of 493