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9850 results for subjectCode: B - page 416 of 493
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The Journal of psychology. Journal Press [etc.] 0022-3980
The journal of religion. University of Chicago Press 0022-4189
The Journal of religious ethics. Scholars Press 0384-9694
The Journal of religious history. Association for the Journal of Religious History 0022-4227
The journal of religious thought. School of Religion, Howard University 0022-4235
The Journal of sacred literature and Biblical record. [Alexander Heylin]
The Journal of sacred literature. [C. Cox]
The Journal of speculative philosophy. s.n. 0891-625X
The Journal of speculative philosophy. Kraus Reprint
The journal of symbolic logic. Association for Symbolic Logic 0022-4812
The journal of the ... annual session of the North Carolina Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church ... [The Conference?]
The Journal of the bishops, clergy and laity / s.n.
The journal of the Friends' Historical Society. Headley Brothers ; "American Friend" Office 0071-9587
The Journal of the Henry Martyn Institute. The Institute 0970-4698
The Journal of the Indian Academy of Philosophy. 0019-4271
The journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies. International Association of Buddhist Studies 0193-600X
The Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate. Publishing Dept. of Moscow Patriarchate 0201-7318
The Journal of the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives. The Order 0891-1177
The journal of the Research and Historical Preservation Committee. Federation of Zoroastrian Associations of North America
The Journal of thought and social philosophy. Magazine Press
9850 results for subjectCode: B - page 416 of 493