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2863 results for subjectCode: C - page 34 of 144
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Conference on the Humanities;
Conference on the Humanities;
Conference publication / Institution of Electrical Engineers
Confluence. President and Fellows of Harvard College 0589-199X
Conimbriga / Faculdade de Letras, Instituto de Arqueologia. Universidade de Coimbra 0084-9189
Connecticut ancestry. Stamford Genealogical Society 0197-2103
Connections. Quebec Family History Society 0707-7130
Conservation : the GCI newsletter. Getty Conservation Institute 1071-0892
Conservation and management of archaeological sites. James & James Science Publishers, Ltd. 1350-5033
Conservation news. Conservation and Restoration Committee, International Council on Archives
Contemporary civilization. Scott, Foresman and Co. 0069-9373
Contemporary issues criticism. Gale Research Co. 0732-7455
Contemporary newsmakers. Gale Research Co. 0883-1564
Contract abstracts and CRM archeology. Atechiston
Contract abstracts. Atechiston, Inc.
Cook's crier. B.H. Williams 8750-1716
Cooley communique. Cooley Family Association of America
Cope's smoke room booklets. Cope's Tobacco Plant
Cornell cousins.
Corpus der minoischen und mykenischen Siegel. G. Mann 0589-8021
2863 results for subjectCode: C - page 34 of 144