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2863 results for subjectCode: C - page 50 of 144
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Futuribles; studies in conjecture. Droz 0072-002X
Futurics. Pergamon Press 0164-1220
Futurum. A. Hain
Futurum. C. Hanser, etc 0016-3341
Gaceta numismática / La Sociedad
Gan dong Zhongguo : Zhongguo qing nian chu ban she
Gazette archéologique : A. Lévy [etc., 1875-93?]
Gazette archéologique; recueil de monuments pour servir à la connaissance & à l'histoire de l'art dans l'antiquité et le moyen-âge. A. Lévy
Gazette numismatique française; R. Serrure; etc., etc
Gendai Nihon jinmeiroku. Nichigai Asoshiētsu
Genealogical computing. Data Transfer Associates [etc.] 0277-5913
Genealogical Forum of Portland, Oregon. Genealogical Forum of Portland, Oregon 0163-0520
Genealogical newsletter and research aids. I. Waldenmaier
Genealogical newsletter. [publisher not identified]
Genealogical periodical annual index. Heritage Books [etc.] 0072-0593
Genealogical publications of the National Genealogical Society. [National Genealogical Society]
Genealogical registry for the United States.
Genealogical research directory ... & guide to genealogical societies. Published by (the editors of the) Genealogical Research Directory
Genealogical research directory : The Editors
Genealogicheskiĭ vestnik. Izd-vo VIRD,
2863 results for subjectCode: C - page 50 of 144