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2863 results for subjectCode: C - page 61 of 144
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Inventaire sommaire des archives historiques (archives anciennes. Correspondance) ... Imprimerie nationale
Inventare nichtstaatlicher Archive. Rheinland Verlag 0535-5079
Inventarissen van Rijks- en andere archieven van rijkswege uitgegeven, voor zoover zij niet afzonderlijk zijn afgedrukt. Algemeene landsdrukkerij
Inventáře a katalogy fondů Státního ústředního archivu v Praze. St. ústř. archiv
Inventáře a katology fondů. [Státní arhiv v Brně, etc.] 0521-2677
Inventory of the historical archives / Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
Inventory series.
Investigational report / Republic of South Africa, Department of Environment Affairs, Sea Fisheries Research Institute = Ondersoekverslag / Republik van Suid-Afrika, Departement van Omgewingsake, Navosingsinstituut. The Institute 1021-5948
Iowa women's hall of fame / Iowa Commission on the Status of Women
Iran who's who. Echo of Iran 0301-0341
Irargi : Servicio Central de Publicaciones del Gobierno Vasco, Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Argitalpen Zerbitzu Nagusia
IRM strategic plan / The Administration
ISNAR. International Service for National Agricultural Research
Israel mathematical conference proceedings. Weizmann Science Press of Israel
Israel numismatic journal. Israel Numismatic Society 0021-2288
Itinéraires et contacts de cultures. Harmattan
Izdanja Arhiva Hercegovine Mostar. Archiv Hercegovine Mostar
Izvestii͡a Russkogo genealogicheskogo obshchestva. Obshchestvo 1728-0141
Izvestii︠a︡ Gosudarstvennoĭ akademii istorii materialʹnoĭ kulʹtury imeni N.I︠A︡. Marra. Akademii︠a︡
Izvestii︠a︡ Gosudarstvennoĭ akademii istorii materialʹnoĭ kulʹtury. Akademii︠a︡
2863 results for subjectCode: C - page 61 of 144