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2863 results for subjectCode: C - page 92 of 144
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Proceedings of the Devon Archaeological Exploration Society. The Society
Proceedings of the Illinois Medieval Association. [Western Illinois University]
Proceedings of the International Congress on Archives. Verlag Dokumentation
Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi" Academic Press 0074-784X
Proceedings of the meeting. Historical Records and Archives Commission
Proceedings of the National Committee of Archivists of India. National Archives of India
Proceedings of the Numismatic Society, 1836/1837-1838/1839.
Proceedings of the Pacific Coast Council on Latin American Studies. Campanile Press, San Diego State University 0190-2229
Proceedings. National Research Council of the Philippines
Program guidelines, applications and grants / The Commission
Programme d'acces aux fonds officiels = Archives publiques du Canada, Division des manuscrits
Prologue : the journal of the National Archives. National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration 0033-1031
Prometeĭ. Molodai︠a︡ gvardii︠a︡ 0555-4608
Prospezioni archeologiche quaderni / [Edizioni ET]
Prospezioni archeologiche. Fondazione Lerici 0079-7022
Průvodce po archivních fondech a sbírkách. Archivní správa
Przyszłość świat, Europa, Polska : biuletyn Komitetu Prognoz "Polska 2000 Plus" przy Prezydium Polskiej Akademii Nauk. Wydawn. Elipsa 1895-0949
Přehled témat studovaných v československých archivech v roce ... Vydala Archivní správa MV
2863 results for subjectCode: C - page 92 of 144