Search Results

8056 results for subjectCode: G - page 116 of 403
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Ethnologia actualis Slovaca : Universitas Ss. Cyrilli et Methodi Tyrnaviae 1336-569X
Ethnologia bulgarica : yearbook of Bulgarian ethnology and folklore. Ethnographic Institute and Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 1311-0918
Ethnologia Europaea. Museum Tusculanum Press [etc.] 0425-4597
Ethnologia Fennica = Seurasaarisäätiö 0355-1776
Ethnologia Polona. Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology [etc.] 0137-4079
Ethnologia Scandinavica. Royal Gustav Adolf Academy 0348-9698
Ethnologia Slavica. Slovenské pedagogické nakl 0083-4106
Ethnologica (Cologne, Germany). M. Triltsch 0423-5452
Ethnologica. [Association d'histoire comparative des institutions et du droit de la République socialiste Roumanie]
Ethnologica. Verlag Aurel Bongers [etc.] 0071-1845
Ethnological studies. Walter Kaudern
Ethnological Survey publications. Philippine Islands, Ethnological Survey
Ethnologie française. Centre d'ethnologie française [etc.] 0046-2616
Ethnologische Mitteilungen aus Ungarn. [V. Hornyánszky]
Ethnologische studien;
Ethnologische Zeitschrift Zürich. Verlag H. Lang 0014-181X
Ethnologisches notizblatt. E. Felber
Ethnology. University of Pittsburgh 0014-1828
Ethnopolitics Taylor & Francis Group 1744-9057
8056 results for subjectCode: G - page 116 of 403