Search Results

8056 results for subjectCode: G - page 242 of 403
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Ocean industry. Gulf Pub. Co. 0029-8026
Ocean management. Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co. 0302-184X
Ocean modelling. s.n. 1013-9281
Ocean modelling. Elsevier Science 1463-5003
Ocean patent news. Bio Sea Pub. Co.
Ocean perspectives journal : proceedings from the Annual Ocean Day Symposium Ocean Church 1041-8091
Ocean physics and engineering. Marcel Dekker 0890-5460
Ocean realm. Graphcom Pub., inc 0738-9833
Ocean realm. Ocean Realm Society
Ocean science and engineering. Dekker 0275-2220
Ocean science journal : OSJ. Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute and Korean Society of Oceanography 1738-5261
Ocean science news. Nautilus Press 0029-8069
Ocean science on station. Nautilus
Ocean sciences log. National Academy of Sciences, Ocean Sciences Board
Ocean soundings. Marine Techology Society
Ocean world Ocean World Pub. Co. 0164-632X
Ocean yearbook. University of Chicago Press 0191-8575
Ocean-air interactions. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers 0743-0876
Oceanic abstracts with indexes. Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, etc 0093-6901
Oceanic abstracts. Oceanic Library and Information Center 0473-761X
8056 results for subjectCode: G - page 242 of 403