Search Results

88709 results for subjectCode: H - page 10 of 4436
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
A Comparison of first commitment characteristics. State of California, Dept. of the Youth Authority
A Comparison of the Youth Authority's institution and parole populations. Dept. of the Youth Authority
A comprehensive state plan and human services plan for the prevention/intervention/treatment of alcoholism and other drug dependency for fiscal years ... Illinois Dept. of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse
A comprehensive study of U.S. Hispanics, a market profile. Strategy Research Corp
A Construção São Paulo. Editora Pini
A contemporary analysis of a labor union: labor monograph, no. 1-
A copy of the valuation and tax list of the town of Millbury for the year ...
A counterdrug research and development blueprint update. Office of National Drug Control Policy
A családi jövedelmek szinvonala és szóródása. [KSH Közgazdasági Főosztály Háztartásstatisztikai Osztálya] 0209-5491
A Directory of Canadian women's groups. [Information Canada]
A Directory of Chicago area women's organizations / Leigh Communications
A directory of child caring institutions and placement agencies in Michigan.
A directory of community services for alcohol abuse and alcoholism in California / prepared by the Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs. Dept. of Alcohol and Drug Programs, Information Clearinghouse Unit 0733-9860
A Directory of community services for drug abuse in California. State Department of Health
A Directory of community wage surveys. United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics 0498-7306
A Directory of computer software applications. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Technical Information Service 0736-8739
A directory of industries and business establishments / Central Dept. of Statistics, Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning
A Directory of names, pennant numbers and addresses of all members of the International Ship Masters' Association of the Great Lakes. Association, Grand Secretary
A directory of public management organizations. U.S. Dept. of Labor, Labor Management Services Administration
A directory of regularly scheduled, fixed route, local public transportation service in urbanized areas over 50,000 population. U.S. Dept. of Tranportation, Urban Mass Transportation Administration, Office of Planning, Management, and Demonstrations
88709 results for subjectCode: H - page 10 of 4436