Title |
Publisher |
Program (Institution) |
Catalog of publications & flags / |
Senate Publications |
Catalog of publications issued by the government of the United Provinces and obtainable from the Book Depot, Government Central Press, Allabadad. |
Catalogo generale pubblicazioni legislative ufficiali e varie. |
Istituto poligrafico e zecca dello stato, Libreria dello stato |
Catalogue des mesures nouvelles / |
La Direction |
Catalogue des périodiques en cours reçus par la Bibliothèque de documentation internationale contemporaine. |
Catalogue des publications officielles en vente à l'Imprimerie nationale. |
Republique française, Ministére de l'économie et des finances |
Catalogue des publications. |
Le Service |
Catalogue général / |
Imprimerie nationale |
Catalogue général des publications de l'Unesco et des publications parues sous des auspices de l'Unesco. |
Catalogue général. |
Ministère de l'agriculture de la pêche et de l'alimentation, Direction des affaires financières et économiques, Service central des enquêtes et études statistiques |
Catalogue of government publications available at Bengal Government Press, Alipore, Bengal, and Writers' Buildings, Calcutta. |
Superintendent, Government Printing |
Catalogue of government publications on sale at the government publication depot, Madras. |
Catalogue of government publications. |
Government Publications Sale Office |
Catalogue of manuscripts acquired since 1925. |
H.M.S.O. |
Catalogue of official publications in English and Kannada. |
Catalogue of publications / |
Government Central Press |
Catalogue of publications. |
Superintendent, Printing and Stationery |
Catalogue of publications. |
Catalogue of publications. |
Press Officer, Government Press |
Catalogue of publications. |
United Nations |