Title |
Publisher |
Program (Institution) |
Directory of U.S. Government audiovisual personnel |
National Audiovisual Center |
0098-1109 |
Directory of Ukrainian officials. |
Central Intelligence Agency |
Directory of United Nations databases and information systems / |
United Nations |
1014-8035 |
Directory of United Nations information sources / |
United Nations |
Directory of United Nations information systems and services. |
Inter-Organization Board for Information Systems |
Directory of United Nations information systems. |
Inter-Organization Board for Information Systems |
1010-3112 |
Directory of United Nations serial publications / compiled by the Advisory Committee for the Co-ordination of Information Systems (ACCIS). |
United Nations |
1011-2952 |
Directory of United States, state, legislative, district, and county officers / |
Secretary of State |
Directory of USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs officials / Directorate of Intelligence. |
The Directorate : Document Expediting (DOCEX) Project, Exchange and Gift Division, Library of Congress, [distributor] ; National Technical Information Service, [distributor |
0191-8621 |
Directory of Yugoslav officials / |
The Directorate ; |
Directory of Yugoslav officials. |
[publisher not identified] |
Directory RT/RW DKI Jakarta Wilayah Jakarta Timur. |
Kantor Sensus & Statistik D.K.I. Jakarta |
Directory RT/RW DKI Jakarta: |
Kantor Sensus dan Statistik DKI Jakarta |
Directory RT/RW DKI Jakarta: |
Kantor Sensus dan Statistik DKI Jakarta |
Directory RT/RW DKI Jakarta: |
Kantor Sensus dan Statistik DKI Jakarta |
Directory RT/RW DKI Jakarta: |
Kantor Sensus dan Statistik DKI Jakarta |
Directory, centre, government officials. |
Centre of Publications |
Directory, government statutory bodies & agencies of Malaysia = Buku panduan badan-badan berkanun & agensi Kerajaan Malaysia. |
Megacoms |
0128-7206 |
Directory, rules, constitutions and manual of parliamentary practice. |
Walton's Steam Printing Establishment |
Directory, Senate and House of Representatives, State of Michigan; |
[The Legislature?] |