Search Results

12244 results for subjectCode: J - page 174 of 613
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Dokumente. A. Metzner 0072-9485
Dokumenti današnjice. Sedma sila 0419-6074
Dokuritsu gyōsei hōjin sōran. Seisaku Hyōka Dokuritsu Gyōsei Hōjin Hyōka Iinkai
Dokuritsu gyōsei hōjin, tokushu hōjin sōran. Gyōsei Kanri Kenkyū Sentā
Dollars and sense in government. Governmental Research Institute 0416-2307
Domestic affairs studies.
Dominion-Provincial Conference : [publisher not identified]
Dong Wu zheng zhi xue bao = Soochow journal of political science. Dong Wu da xue 1019-8636
Dos años de gestión / La Sindicatura
Dossiers documentaires. Direction de la documentation et des publications
DPI programme update. United Nations Dept. of Public Information
DPMF annual report. Development Policy Management Forum
Drucksache / Deutscher Bundestag
Državni kalendar Kraljevine Srbije. Izd. Državne štamparije Kraljevine Srbije
Duaḥ miḳreh. Be-tselem
Duaḥ shenati. Netsiv telunot ha-tsibur 0579-2770
Duaḥ ʻal ha-biḳoret ba-shilṭon ha-meḳomi. Miʹsrad Mevaḳer ha-medinah
Duties of elected county officials. Legislative Research Commission
Dyskurs : czasopismo politologiczne. Instytut Politologii Uniwersytetu Opolskiego 1733-8735
Dziennik urzędowy Ministerstwa zpraw zagranicznych Rzeczypospolitej polskiej. Tłocznia w. Łazarskiego
12244 results for subjectCode: J - page 174 of 613