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12244 results for subjectCode: J - page 411 of 613
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Proceedings of the Special Committee of the Senate on the Propriety of the Conduct of the Honourable Senator Cogger = Délibérations du Comité spécial du Sénat de la justification de la conduite de l'honorable sénateur Cogger. Queen's Printer for Canada = Imprimeur de la Reine pour le Canada 0846-944X
Proceedings of the Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce. Cloutier
Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce. Queen's Printer 0829-7460
Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs. Délibérations du Comité sénatorial permanent des affairs étrangères. Queen's Printer 0576-3819
Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs. Délibérations du Comité sénatorial permanent des affaires juridiques et constitutionnelles. Queen's Printer 0576-3835
Proceedings of the the Board of Supervisors of Berrien County, Michigan. [The Board]
Proceedings of the Ulster County legislature.
Proceedings of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors. [Board of Supervisors] 0190-7336
Proceedings [of the] ... annual meeting.
Proceedings. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Proceedings. Ministry of Health and Family Planning, Govt. of India
Proceedings. Fred B. Rothman & Co.
Proceedings. [publisher not identified]
Proceedings. The Board
Proceedings. [The Board]
12244 results for subjectCode: J - page 411 of 613