Search Results

12244 results for subjectCode: J - page 494 of 613
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Schriftenreihe der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. Die Bundeszentrale 0435-7604
Schriftenreihe der Bundeszentrale für Heimatdienst.
Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gruppe der AAA
Schriftenreihe der èOsterreichischen Gesellschaft fèur Aussenpolitik und Internationale Beziehungen W. Braumèuller 0078-3463
Schriftenreihe. v. Hase & Kohler
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft = Revue suisse de science politique = Swiss political science review / Association suisse de science politique. Verlag Rüegger 1424-7755
Science et paix. [Vie Ouvriére.]
Sciences politiques. Recueil Sirey 1144-1461
Scotland. Scottish Council (Development and Industry)
Scottish affairs. Unit for the Study of Government in Scotland, Dept. of Politics, University of Edinburgh 0966-0356
Sea-bed. Worldmark Press
Searchlight on Congress. National Voters' League
Seattle municipal news. Municipal League of Seattle
SEC / Commission of the European Communities
Second-tier cost experience report. Public Employees' Retirement System
Secretary of State news. Secretary of State
Sectoral regulation in Bolivia / Sectoral Regulation System, General Superintendency
Secular democracy. D. R. Goyal 0582-3730
Security dialogue. Sage 0967-0106
Security studies paper. University of California, Los Angeles
12244 results for subjectCode: J - page 494 of 613