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12244 results for subjectCode: J - page 539 of 613
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The advocate of peace and universal brotherhood. E. Burritt 2154-8420
The Advocate of peace. American Peace Society 2155-7799
The advocate of Peace. 2154-8382
The Affinities of nations. Peace Research Institute-Dundas
The African & colonial world and the Indian at home & overseas. [Independent Pub. Co.]
The African court calendar = S.A. Library
The Alabama merit system : The Department
The Alaska Ombudsman report. Office of the Ombudsman
The Almanac of American politics. Gambit 0362-076X
The almanac of the unelected. Almanac of the Unelected, Inc. 1047-0999
The Almanac of Virginia politics. Flora Crater, Carolyn Brickey, Meg Williams. Woman Activist 0276-9999
The Ambassador. s.n. 0044-7439
The American advocate of peace and arbitration. American Peace Society 2159-5070
The American city pamphlets. Civic Press
The American Conference on International Arbitration : Baker & Tailor
The American foreign service journal. American Foreign Service Association 0360-8425
The American legislator. [American Legislators' Association]
The American Political Science Association membership directory. The Association 0730-6385
The American political science review. American Political Science Association 0003-0554
The American statesmen's yearbook : McBride, Nast & Co.
12244 results for subjectCode: J - page 539 of 613