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12244 results for subjectCode: J - page 546 of 613
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The Constitutional year book. Conservative central Office
The Constitutional yearbook.
The Constitutions of the United States and the State of New York. Printed by Croswell and Van Bentheuysen
The Constructive work of Dáil Éireann. Talbot Press
The Consultative Assembly, procedure and practice / Council of Europe
The Council of Europe.
The Council of Europe. Directorate of Information of the Council of Europe
The Council of State debates (official report) ... Manager of publications
The Councillor. Published by Conservative Political Centre on behalf of the Conservative Local Govt. Dept
The county & municipal year book for Scotland. Wm. Culross and Son Ltd 0070-1300
The County and municipal record.
The county councils, municipal corporations, and local authorities companion, magisterial directory, and local government year book for ... Kelly's Directories
The County year book. National Association of Counties 0099-1015
The Crown colonist. Crown Colonist
The Cumulated indexes to the public papers of the Presidents of the United States. KTO Press
The Daily chronicle and convention journal: containing the substance and spirit of the proceedings of the convention which assembled at the state capitol in Harrisburg, May 2, 1837, to alter and amend the constitution of the state of Pennsylvania; Guyer
The debates and proceedings in the Congress of the United States : Gales and Seaton
The Democratic digest. Women's Division, Democratic National Committee
The Democratic digest. [Women's Division, Democratic National Committee, etc]
The Democratic hand-book / [The Committee?]
12244 results for subjectCode: J - page 546 of 613