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12244 results for subjectCode: J - page 562 of 613
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The parliamentary debates. Reuter's Telegram Co. 0309-9032
The Parliamentary debates: official report / Published by H.M.S.O. on behalf of the Government of Northern Ireland
The Parliamentary guide and work of general reference ... for Canada, the provinces, Northwest Territories and Newfoundland. Manitoba Free Press; 0315-6176
The Parliamentary history of England from the earliest period to the year 1803, Printed by T.C. Hansard [etc.]
The parliamentary history of England from the earliest period to the year 1803, from which last-mentioned epoch it is continued downwards in the work entitled "Hansard's parliamentary debates." Printed by T.C. Hansard
The Parliamentary history of England from the earliest period to the year 1803. Printed by T.C. Hansard
The parliamentary pocket companion. Whittaker & Co.
The Past year in retrospect; an objective account of political and economic events in India. Public Relations Dept., Indian Oxygen Ltd. 0377-2675
The Peace forum. International Peace Forum
The Peace movement; Buchler
The Peace psychology bulletin. Division 48, American Psychological Association
The peace year-book. National Peace Council
The Peacemaker and court of arbitration. Universal Peace Union
The Pennsylvania almanac and buyer's guide. Republican State Committee of Pennsylvania
The Pennsylvania manual. [Bureau of Publications]
The Pennsylvania manual. Dept. of Property and Supplies for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
The Pennsylvania manual. Published by the Dept. of General Services for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania [etc.] 0275-8814
The Pennsylvania Municipality authorities act, and related laws.
The People take the lead. American Jewish Committee 0735-455X
The People's democratic guide. James Webster
12244 results for subjectCode: J - page 562 of 613