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12244 results for subjectCode: J - page 8 of 613
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Acten-Stücke der ... allgemeinen Stände-Versammlung des Königreichs Hannover. In Commission der Hahnschen Hofbuchhandlung
Actes Augustin Cochin. Editions de la Nouvelle Aurore
Actes de la ... Assemblée. La Société
Actes de la ... Assemblée.
Actes et documents relatifs aux arrêts et aux avis consultatifs de la cour = Société d'Éditions, A.W. Sijthoff
Action; [Council for Democracy]
Actividades de la Sección de Cooperacion Intelectual de la Union Panamericana.
Actividades del Congreso Nacional de la República ... durante los meses de ... / La Dirección
Activities in ... / European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities 1830-9968
Activities of the Attorney General's Office. [Attorney General's Office]
Activities of the Council of Europe. Council of Europe 0304-5986
Activities of the Council of Europe. Council of Europe Press
Activities of the Division of Intellectual Cooperation, Pan American Union, during ... Division of Intellectual Cooperation
Activities of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. U.S. Government Printing Office
Activities of the Senate Committee on Government Operations : U.S. G.P.O.
Activities report ... Congress / Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, Congress of the United States
Activities report / The Dept
Activities report. Colorado Civil Rights Commission
Activities report. Fundação do Desenvolvimento Administrativo
Activity report / Council of Europe Pub.
12244 results for subjectCode: J - page 8 of 613