Search Results

13749 results for subjectCode: K - page 289 of 688
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Jus et juventus : La Carrera
Jus. Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas, UJED
Jusnews : Arbeiten zur Rechts- und Sprachwissenschaft Verlag 1611-8596
Justice : Gyangun Research Institute
Justice et développement en Mauritanie / L'Association
Justice library review. Dept. of Justice, Library
Justice of the peace & local government law. Justice of the Peace Ltd. 1351-5756
Justice of the peace and county, borough, poor law union, and parish law recorder. Henry Shaw
Justice of the peace and local government review reports. Justice of the Peace
Justice of the peace and local government review. Justice of the Peace, Inc. 0022-703X
Justice of the Peace journal. Justice of the Peace Association
Justice of the peace. Henry Shaw
Justice. U.S. Dept. of Justice 1056-8905
Justices' law reporter and official review. Bierly Bros
Justicia : The Fund
Justicia : 1930-
Justicia : Universidad Simón Bolívar 0124-7441
Justicia administrativa. Tribunal Administrativo de Cundinamarca
Justicia penal y sociedad. Instituto de Estudios Comparados en Ciencias Penales de Guatemala, IECCPG, con la colaboración del Instituto de Estudios Comparados en Ciencias Penales, INECIP, de la República Argentina
Justicia y policía. Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas
13749 results for subjectCode: K - page 289 of 688