Title |
Publisher |
Program (Institution) |
Kensatsu tōkei nenpō. |
Hōmushō |
Kensetsu kōji sekō tōkei chōsa hōkoku. |
Kensetsu Daijin Kanbō |
Kentucky administrative regulations service : |
Legislative Research Commission |
Kentucky Court of Justice ... annual report. |
Administrative Office of the Courts |
Kentucky insurance laws & regulations. |
Banks-Baldwin Law Pub. Co. |
0738-3827 |
Kentucky journal of equine, agriculture, and natural resources law / Mineral Law Center, University of Kentucky, College of Law |
Mineral Law Center, University of Kentucky, College of Law |
2156-4787 |
Kentucky law journal |
University of Kentucky, College of Law |
0023-026X |
Kentucky municipal statutory law / |
Legislative Research Commission |
Kentucky municipal statutory law. |
Legislative Research Commission |
Kentucky workmen's compensation law, annotated ... |
Dept. of Industrial Relations, Workmen's Compensation Board |
Keter : |
Mekhon Keter |
Key Federal regulations affecting the handicapped. |
Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Human Development Services, Office for Handicapped Individuals; for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off. |
0163-0490 |
Khozi︠a︡ĭstvo i pravo. |
Ėkonomika |
0134-2398 |
Khronologicheskoe sobranie zakonov Apmi︠a︡nskoĭ SSR, ukazov Prezidiuma Verkhovnogo Soveta i postanovleniĭ Pravitelʹstva Armi︠a︡nskoĭ SSR. |
Gos. Izd-vo Armi︠a︡nskoĭ SSR |
Khronologicheskoe sobranie zakonov, ukazov Prezidiuma Verkhovnogo Soveta i postanovleniĭ Pravitelʹstva RSFSR. |
Gos. izd-vo i︠u︡rid. lit-ry |
Khronolohichne zibranni︠a︡ zakoniv, ukaziv Prezydiï Verkhovnoï Rady, postanov i rozpori︠a︡dzhenʹ uri︠a︡du Ukraïnsʹkoï RSR. |
[Verkhovna Rada Prezydiï] |
0501-0217 |
Kigyō kaikei kisokushū / |
Zeimu Kenkyūkai Shuppankyoku |
Kikan jidō teate. |
Nihon Jidō Mondai Chōsakai |
King's regulations, international regulations, rules, orders, notifications, and rules of court. |
North-China daily news and herald |
Kitāb Muʼtamar al-Muḥāmīn al-ʻArab. |
Ittiḥād al-Muḥāmīn al-ʻArab |