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13749 results for subjectCode: K - page 348 of 688
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Mediation quarterly : journal of the Academy of Family Mediators. Jossey-Bass 0739-4098
Mediation--law, policy, practice. West 2169-1517
Medical law international AB Academic Publishers 0968-5332
Medical law review Published by Oxford University Press in Association with the Centre of Medical Law and Ethics, King's College London 0967-0742
Medical malpractice and health facility disciplinary report. [Board of Medical Quality Assurance]
Medical news, medicine, and law. Medical News, Medicine, and Law 0047-6536
Medicare and Medicaid benefits. Commerce Clearing House 1546-573X
Medicare and medicaid guide. Commerce Clearing House
Medicare and social security explained. Commerce Clearing House
Medicare managed care resource information directory. Office of Managed Care, Health Care Financing Administration
Medicine, science, and the law. Sweet & Maxwell 0025-8024
Medicolegal digest. Medicolegal Pub. Association
Medicolegal news American Society of Law and Medicine 0097-0085
Medizinrecht : MedR C.H. Beck ; Springer-Verlag 0723-8886
Meeting of States Parties / The Parties
Meḥḳere mishpaṭ. Hotsaʾat Universiṭat Bar-Ilan 0334-0716
Melbourne journal of international law. University of Melbourne 1444-8602
Member handbook. National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
Membership and jurisdiction of subcommittees / U.S. G.P.O.
Membership directory / MAIBA
13749 results for subjectCode: K - page 348 of 688